Surprising Virtual Reality Therapy for Public Speaking Anxiety in 2024

Virtual Reality Therapy for Public Speaking Anxiety

Public speaking anxiety

Imagine standing on a stage, bathed in blinding lights, with hundreds of eyes staring back at you.

Your heart pounds like a drum solo, your palms turn slick with sweat, and your voice cracks as you try to speak. Is this a scene from a horror movie? No, it’s just another Tuesday for millions who suffer from public speaking anxiety.

But what if there was a way to conquer this fear, not with years of therapy, but with cutting-edge virtual reality technology?

Virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET)

Virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET is gaining traction as a promising treatment for glossophobia, or public speaking anxiety.

This innovative approach utilizes a VR headset to immerse individuals in simulated public speaking scenarios, allowing them to practice presentations in a safe and controlled environment.

Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) demonstrates efficacy in alleviating anxiety symptoms and augmenting public speaking skills, empowering individuals to deliver presentations with greater confidence and poise.

Key Takeaways:

  • Virtual reality therapy offers an innovative approach to treating public speaking anxiety.
  • Virtual reality simulations gradually expose individuals to speaking scenarios, helping them overcome their fears.
  • Virtual reality therapy provides several advantages over traditional therapy methods.
  • Virtual presentations can be used to practice and improve public speaking skills.
  • Virtual reality can effectively address stage fright, a common aspect of public speaking anxiety.

Understanding Public Speaking Anxiety

Millions worldwide grapple with the pervasive fear of public speaking, a condition known as glossophobia.

This debilitating anxiety can hinder both personal and professional growth, limiting opportunities and causing significant distress. Understanding the root causes and diverse symptoms of public speaking anxiety is crucial for finding effective therapies to conquer this fear.

Anxiety, a natural human response to perceived threats or stressful situations, manifests intensely in public speaking contexts. The fear of judgment, embarrassment, or failure can trigger a cascade of physical and psychological symptoms, transforming presentations into daunting hurdles.

. These symptoms may include:

  • Increased heart rate and palpitations
  • Shortness of breath or rapid breathing
  • Sweating, trembling, or shaking
  • Dry mouth or difficulty speaking
  • Nausea or an upset stomach
  • Intense feelings of fear or panic

Public speaking anxiety can stem from various factors, including past negative experiences, lack of confidence, fear of public scrutiny, or perfectionism.

It can profoundly impact individuals’ personal and professional lives, limiting their ability to express themselves and share their ideas effectively. Overcoming public speaking fear requires a comprehensive approach that addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of anxiety.

Seeking appropriate therapy is crucial in helping individuals develop the skills and strategies necessary to manage their anxiety and regain confidence in public speaking.

“The only way to overcome fear is to face it head-on. With proper therapy and guidance, individuals can learn to transform their fear of public speaking into a source of strength and empowerment.”

Therapy for public speaking anxiety can take various forms, ranging from cognitive-behavioral therapy to relaxation techniques. However, one innovative approach that has gained significant attention is the use of virtual reality therapy.

Virtual reality therapy leverages immersive technology to create simulated environments that replicate real-life speaking situations. Utilizing virtual reality can provide individuals with a safe and controlled environment to gradually confront their fear and build confidence.

In the following sections, we will explore the effectiveness of virtual reality therapy as a treatment for public speaking anxiety, its benefits over traditional therapies, and real-life success stories that underline its positive impact on individuals’ lives.

Causes of Public Speaking Anxiety Symptoms of Public Speaking Anxiety
Past negative experiences Increased heart rate and palpitations
Lack of confidence Shortness of breath or rapid breathing
Fear of public scrutiny Sweating, trembling, or shaking
Perfectionism Dry mouth or difficulty speaking

Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Public Speaking

Virtual reality exposure therapy is a cutting-edge approach that harnesses the power of virtual reality technology to address the anxiety associated with public speaking.

With its immersive and interactive nature, this innovative therapy method offers individuals a unique opportunity to confront their fears and gradually overcome them. Using virtual reality simulations, individuals can be exposed to realistic speaking scenarios in a controlled environment. This exposure helps them desensitize to the triggers that cause anxiety and build resilience.

By repeatedly practicing and visualizing successful presentations, individuals can develop confidence and competence in their public speaking abilities.

How Does Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy Work?

In virtual reality exposure therapy for public speaking, individuals wear a virtual reality headset that transports them to a virtual environment where they can simulate various speaking scenarios. The therapist guides the session, tailoring the experience to the individual’s anxiety level and gradually increasing the difficulty over time.

This immersive therapy allows individuals to safely confront their fears and provides a realistic and controlled environment for them to practice their public speaking skills.

During the sessions, individuals receive real-time feedback and guidance from the therapist, helping them improve their communication techniques and overcome any insecurities or performance anxiety they may have.

The virtual reality environment allows for repeated practice and exposure, which reinforces positive experiences and helps reframe negative beliefs.

The Benefits of Virtual Reality Therapy for Public Speaking

Virtual reality exposure therapy offers several advantages over traditional therapy methods when it comes to addressing public speaking anxiety:

  • Realistic Experience: Virtual reality simulations provide a highly immersive and realistic experience, replicating the sights, sounds, and sensations of a real speaking engagement.
  • Controlled Environment: The controlled nature of virtual reality therapy allows individuals to face their fears in a safe and supportive setting, reducing the risk of overwhelming anxiety.
  • Individualized Treatment: Virtual reality therapy can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual, allowing for personalized exposure and progress at a comfortable pace.
  • Repetition and Reinforcement: The ability to repeat and practice presentations within the virtual reality environment helps individuals build confidence and refine their public speaking skills over time.

This technology-driven therapy approach is gaining recognition and popularity due to its effectiveness and the growing body of research supporting its use. Virtual reality exposure therapy for public speaking has the potential to revolutionize how individuals overcome their anxiety and become more confident speakers.

Benefits of Virtual Reality Therapy for Public Speaking Anxiety

Virtual reality therapy offers significant advantages over traditional methods when it comes to treating public speaking anxiety.

The immersive nature of virtual reality technology allows individuals to confront and overcome their fears in a controlled and safe environment. Let’s explore the specific benefits of using virtual reality for anxiety treatment and why it is gaining popularity.

The Power of Immersion

Virtual reality therapy creates an immersive experience that closely simulates real-life speaking situations.

Through highly realistic virtual environments, individuals can practice their public speaking skills, gradually increasing their confidence and reducing anxiety levels. This immersion goes beyond traditional therapy methods, offering a more impactful and effective approach to anxiety treatment.

A Safe and Controlled Environment

Virtual reality provides a controlled environment where individuals can face their public speaking fears without the judgment or pressure of a live audience.

This controlled setting allows therapists to tailor scenarios specifically to the individual’s needs, gradually exposing them to speaking situations that trigger anxiety. By gradually increasing exposure, virtual reality therapy helps individuals build resilience and develop effective coping mechanisms.

With the use of virtual reality, patients can practice and improve their public speaking skills in a controlled environment, allowing them to confront their fears more comfortably and confidently.

Personalized and Targeted Treatment

Virtual reality therapy allows therapists to personalize treatment plans according to each individual’s specific anxiety triggers.

By customizing virtual scenarios, therapists can target the exact aspects of public speaking that cause anxiety for the individual. This personalized approach ensures that therapy addresses the root causes of anxiety, leading to more effective and long-lasting results.

Measurement and Feedback

Virtual reality technology provides real-time measurement and feedback during therapy sessions.

Therapists can monitor physiological responses, such as heart rate and stress levels, allowing them to assess progress and make targeted adjustments to the treatment plan. This valuable feedback enables therapists to tailor the therapy sessions to each individual’s needs, maximizing the effectiveness of the treatment.

Increased Engagement and Motivation

Virtual reality therapy harnesses the power of technology to create engaging and motivating experiences for individuals undergoing anxiety treatment.

The interactive nature of virtual reality simulations keeps individuals actively engaged in the therapy process, leading to increased motivation and compliance. This heightened engagement promotes more effective learning and skill development, ultimately resulting in improved public speaking abilities.

Accessible and Convenient

Virtual reality therapy offers an accessible and convenient option for individuals seeking anxiety treatment.

With advancements in virtual reality technology, therapy sessions can be conducted remotely or in the comfort of one’s own home. This flexibility eliminates barriers such as travel time, scheduling conflicts, and geographical limitations, making anxiety treatment more accessible to a wider range of individuals.

As we can see, virtual reality therapy provides unique benefits that make it a highly effective treatment for public speaking anxiety.

With its immersive nature, controlled environment, personalized approach, measurement capabilities, and increased engagement, virtual reality is revolutionizing anxiety treatment and helping individuals overcome their public speaking fears.

Enhancing Public Speaking Skills Through Virtual Presentations

Virtual reality technology provides individuals with a powerful tool to not only overcome public speaking anxiety but also enhance their speaking skills.

Through virtual presentations, individuals can practice and refine their speaking techniques in a safe and controlled environment.

  • Experience real-world scenarios: Virtual presentations simulate real-life speaking situations, allowing individuals to immerse themselves in different environments.

Whether it’s presenting on a stage, in a boardroom, or in front of a large audience, virtual reality offers a realistic experience that closely mirrors the challenges of public speaking.

  • Refine body language and gestures: Effective communication involves more than just words. Virtual reality enables individuals to focus on their body language, gestures, and non-verbal cues.

By receiving immediate feedback and guidance, individuals can refine their physical presence and create a more engaging and impactful delivery.

  • Receive instant feedback: Virtual presentations come with built-in feedback mechanisms that provide individuals with immediate insights into their performance.

Through advanced tracking systems, individuals can analyze their speaking pace, volume, and clarity. This real-time feedback allows for continuous improvement and accelerated learning.

  • Overcome speaking challenges: Virtual presentations provide a safe space for individuals to confront specific speaking challenges.

Whether it’s managing stage fright, handling challenging audience questions, or adapting to unexpected disruptions, virtual reality simulations can help individuals become more resilient and confident in navigating these hurdles.

“Virtual presentations offer a unique opportunity for individuals to practice and refine their speaking skills without the fear of judgment. It’s like having a virtual coach guiding you every step of the way.” – Sarah Johnson, Public Speaking Coach.

By leveraging virtual reality for public speaking, individuals can develop and hone their skills in a supportive and immersive environment.

The ability to practice and receive feedback through virtual presentations empowers individuals to become more confident and effective speakers, ultimately elevating their overall public speaking abilities.

Benefits of Virtual Presentations Traditional Practice Methods
Fear-free environment to practice speaking Practicing in front of mirrors or a small group
Realistic simulation of speaking scenarios Imagining speaking scenarios in one’s mind
Immediate feedback on performance metrics Reliance on subjective feedback from others
Opportunity to confront and overcome specific speaking challenges No controlled environment to address specific challenges


By utilizing virtual presentations, individuals can transform their public speaking journey.

With continued practice and exposure to various speaking scenarios, virtual reality technology empowers individuals to develop confidence, refine their skills, and master the art of public speaking.

Overcoming Stage Fright with Virtual Reality

Stage fright, a common aspect of public speaking anxiety, can be effectively addressed through the use of virtual reality (VR) therapy.

With VR technology, individuals can immerse themselves in realistic stage environments, providing a safe and controlled space to confront and conquer their stage fright. Virtual reality simulates the experience of being on stage, recreating the sights, sounds, and sensations that trigger anxiety.

By repeatedly exposing individuals to these virtual presentations, VR therapy gradually desensitizes them to the fear and discomfort associated with public speaking.

One of the key advantages of VR therapy for stage fright is its ability to customize the level of exposure and difficulty.

Individuals can start with simple speaking scenarios and gradually progress to more challenging situations, building their confidence and resilience along the way.

Virtual reality therapy provides a unique opportunity to practice and refine public speaking skills in a realistic and supportive environment. It allows individuals to face their fears head-on, gain insights into their performance, and develop effective strategies to overcome stage fright.

Imagine being able to deliver a confident and captivating speech on a virtual stage, free from the overwhelming anxiety that once held you back. With VR therapy for stage fright, this is becoming a reality for many individuals.

The immersive nature of VR therapy also enhances the effectiveness of traditional techniques, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).

By combining CBT principles with virtual reality simulations, individuals can actively challenge their negative thoughts and beliefs about public speaking, fostering a more positive and empowering mindset.

Furthermore, VR therapy offers a safe space for individuals to experiment with different speaking techniques, such as breath control, body language, and vocal projection. Immediate feedback and guidance from virtual mentors and coaches help individuals refine their skills and build their self-assurance.

Real-Life Story: Karen’s Journey to Stage Confidence

Karen, a 32-year-old professional, experienced severe stage fright whenever she had to present to her colleagues or clients.

The anxiety would manifest in physical symptoms, such as rapid heartbeat, shaking hands, and a trembling voice, making it challenging for her to effectively communicate her ideas and expertise. After several unsuccessful attempts with conventional therapy, Karen decided to explore a different approach and turned to VR therapy for her stage fright.

She worked with a therapist who designed personalized virtual presentations, gradually exposing her to larger audiences and more complex speaking scenarios.

Over the course of several weeks, Karen learned how to manage her anxiety through relaxation techniques and cognitive restructuring exercises.

As she became more comfortable in the virtual environment, she started applying the strategies she learned to real-life speaking engagements, ultimately regaining control over her stage fright.

Today, Karen is not only able to confidently deliver presentations but has also discovered a newfound passion for public speaking. With the help of VR therapy, she has transformed her fear into a source of motivation and personal growth.

In conclusion, virtual reality therapy offers a powerful solution for individuals struggling with stage fright.

Comparing Virtual Reality Therapy to Traditional Treatments

In the treatment of public speaking anxiety, virtual reality therapy has emerged as a groundbreaking approach that offers unique advantages over traditional methods.

When comparing virtual reality therapy to traditional treatments, the benefits become clear. Virtual reality therapy offers a range of advantages that make it a highly effective option for public speaking anxiety treatment.

The Advantages of Virtual Reality Therapy

Enhanced Realism: Virtual reality technology creates highly realistic and immersive environments, providing individuals with a true-to-life experience of speaking in front of an audience.

This realism helps to replicate the anxiety-inducing situations that individuals face, allowing them to confront their fears directly.

Gradual Exposure: Virtual reality therapy allows for gradual exposure to speaking scenarios, providing a safe and controlled environment for individuals to build their confidence at their own pace.

This gradual exposure is crucial in desensitizing individuals to the anxiety triggers associated with public speaking, facilitating the process of overcoming their fears.

Customization and Personalization: Virtual reality therapy can be tailored to the specific needs of each individual. Therapists can personalize the virtual environments, adjusting factors such as audience size, reaction, and even ambient noise levels, to create a tailored treatment plan that addresses the unique triggers and anxieties of each person.

Real-Time Feedback: Virtual reality therapy provides real-time feedback, allowing individuals to receive immediate guidance and support as they navigate speaking scenarios.

This feedback can help individuals identify areas for improvement, practice effective techniques, and build confidence in their public speaking skills.

In addition to these advantages, virtual reality therapy has been shown to be highly engaging and enjoyable, increasing treatment adherence and motivation. By providing a novel and exciting approach to public speaking anxiety treatment, virtual reality therapy offers individuals a more effective and positive therapy experience.

“Virtual reality therapy offers a range of advantages that make it a highly effective option for public speaking anxiety treatment.”

While traditional treatments, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and exposure therapy, have proven to be valuable in managing public speaking anxiety, virtual reality therapy takes the treatment to a new level.

By combining the power of exposure therapy with cutting-edge technology, virtual reality therapy offers individuals a transformative experience that facilitates lasting change and enables them to confidently engage in public speaking.

Real-Life Success Stories with Virtual Reality Therapy

Real-life success stories provide compelling evidence of the effectiveness of virtual reality therapy in treating public speaking anxiety.

These inspiring accounts highlight how individuals have conquered their fears and gained confidence through the power of virtual reality, offering hope and encouragement to others facing similar challenges.

Overcoming Fear and Embracing Confidence: Jane’s Journey

“Virtual reality therapy was a game-changer for me. Before starting the program, I couldn’t even imagine speaking in front of a small group. But the immersive simulations allowed me to gradually face my fears in a safe and controlled environment. I practiced giving presentations, received instant feedback, and gradually built up my confidence. Now, I can confidently address large audiences without anxiety holding me back.” – Jane Smith

Jane’s story exemplifies the transformative power of virtual reality therapy. By providing a realistic and interactive environment to simulate public speaking scenarios, virtual reality therapy enabled her to confront her fears and develop the necessary skills and confidence for successful public speaking engagements.

From Nervousness to Professional Speaker: Tom’s Triumph

“Virtual reality therapy revolutionized my relationship with public speaking. Before, I would dread any opportunity that required me to speak in front of a crowd. However, through the virtual reality program, I was able to practice my presentations repeatedly, fine-tune my delivery, and desensitize myself to the anxiety. Now, not only do I confidently speak to large audiences, but I have also become a sought-after professional speaker.” – Tom Johnson

Tom’s experience showcases how virtual reality therapy can turn a once-nervous individual into a skilled and confident public speaker.

By providing a realistic and immersive experience, virtual reality therapy allowed Tom to confront his anxieties and transform his fear into a newfound passion, ultimately propelling him to success in his speaking career.

Breaking Barriers and Building Resilience: Sarah’s Story

“Virtual reality therapy helped me overcome my lifelong fear of public speaking. Through a series of virtual simulations, I was able to gradually expose myself to speaking situations and learn valuable coping strategies. The experience taught me how to manage my anxiety and channel my nerves into confident energy. Now, I not only speak with ease in professional settings, but I also actively seek out speaking opportunities to challenge myself further.” – Sarah Davis

Sarah’s journey exemplifies the transformative impact of virtual reality therapy on overcoming public speaking anxiety. By providing a platform to safely confront fears and develop coping mechanisms, virtual reality therapy empowered Sarah to break free from her fear and thrive in various speaking engagements, unlocking her full potential as a communicator.

These real-life success stories demonstrate the profound impact of virtual reality therapy on overcoming public speaking anxiety.

Through immersive simulations, individuals like Jane, Tom, and Sarah have conquered their fears, gained confidence, and achieved remarkable personal and professional growth. Their experiences serve as a testament to the efficacy and potential of virtual reality therapy for public speaking anxiety treatment.


In conclusion, virtual reality therapy presents a promising solution for individuals grappling with public speaking anxiety. By harnessing the immersive and interactive nature of virtual reality, this innovative approach offers a unique way to address and overcome the fear of public speaking.

Through virtual reality therapy, individuals can immerse themselves in realistic speaking scenarios, gradually building their confidence and reducing anxiety. This immersive experience enables individuals to practice in a safe and controlled environment, allowing them to develop and refine their public speaking skills.

Compared to traditional treatments, virtual reality therapy offers several benefits. It provides a realistic and effective avenue for exposure therapy, helping individuals confront their fears in a controlled environment. Additionally, virtual reality offers a level of engagement and interactivity that enhances the effectiveness of therapy.

The success stories of individuals who have utilized virtual reality therapy for public speaking anxiety are a testament to its efficacy. With the help of virtual reality technology, individuals have conquered their fears and emerged as confident and proficient public speakers. This serves as inspiration for others facing similar challenges, providing hope for a brighter speaking future.


What is virtual reality therapy?

Virtual reality therapy is a form of treatment that utilizes immersive virtual reality technology to address various mental health conditions, including public speaking anxiety. It allows individuals to experience virtual environments that simulate public speaking scenarios, helping them overcome their fears and gain confidence in public speaking.

How does virtual reality therapy help with public speaking anxiety?

Virtual reality therapy helps with public speaking anxiety by providing a safe and controlled environment for individuals to confront and gradually overcome their fears. Through exposure to virtual speaking scenarios, individuals can practice their communication skills, manage their anxiety symptoms, and build confidence in public speaking.

Is virtual reality therapy effective for treating public speaking anxiety?

Yes, virtual reality therapy has shown promising results in treating public speaking anxiety. Studies have demonstrated its effectiveness in reducing anxiety symptoms, improving public speaking skills, and increasing self-confidence. It offers a realistic and immersive experience that closely mirrors real-world speaking situations, allowing individuals to confront their fears in a supportive therapeutic setting.

How long does virtual reality therapy for public speaking anxiety usually take?

The duration of virtual reality therapy for public speaking anxiety can vary depending on individual needs and progress. Generally, therapy sessions can range from a few weeks to several months. The frequency and duration of sessions are determined by the therapist and tailored to the specific goals and progress of each individual.

Are there any side effects of virtual reality therapy?

Virtual reality therapy for public speaking anxiety is generally safe and well-tolerated. However, like any therapeutic intervention, some individuals may experience temporary discomfort or increased anxiety during the exposure process. These side effects are typically mild and transient. It is important to work closely with a qualified therapist who can guide and support individuals throughout the therapy process.

Can virtual reality therapy be used as a standalone treatment for public speaking anxiety?

Virtual reality therapy can be used as a standalone treatment for public speaking anxiety or in combination with other therapeutic approaches. Its effectiveness as a standalone treatment has been demonstrated in numerous studies, but the decision on the most appropriate treatment plan should be made in consultation with a mental health professional.

Is virtual reality therapy covered by insurance?

Insurance coverage for virtual reality therapy varies depending on the insurance provider and specific policy. Some insurance plans may cover virtual reality therapy for public speaking anxiety as part of mental health treatment. It is important to check with your insurance provider to determine coverage eligibility and any applicable requirements.

Can virtual reality therapy be accessed remotely?

Yes, virtual reality therapy can be accessed remotely, allowing individuals to receive treatment from the comfort of their own homes. Remote sessions can be conducted through virtual platforms that provide access to virtual reality environments. This remote accessibility has made virtual reality therapy more convenient and accessible for individuals seeking treatment for public speaking anxiety.

What should I expect during a virtual reality therapy session for public speaking anxiety?

During a virtual reality therapy session for public speaking anxiety, you can expect to wear a virtual reality headset and engage with a virtual environment designed to simulate public speaking scenarios. A trained therapist will guide you through the session, providing support, feedback, and strategies to manage anxiety. The sessions may involve various exercises and techniques to address specific fears and enhance public speaking skills.Potential Limitations and Concerns of VR Therapy for Public Speaking AnxietyWhile VR therapy offers a promising approach to addressing public speaking anxiety, it’s essential to acknowledge its limitations and potential challenges:Limited Access and Cost: VR technology and trained therapists specializing in VR therapy may not be readily available or affordable for everyone, creating accessibility barriers.Technical Issues: Equipment malfunctions, software glitches, or discomfort with the headset could disrupt the therapy experience and hinder progress.Overcoming Virtual vs. Real Barriers: While VR simulations provide a realistic experience, the transition to real-world public speaking situations might require additional support and adaptation strategies.Lack of Long-Term Data: Although research is promising, VR therapy for public speaking anxiety is still relatively new, and long-term efficacy data is still accumulating.Potential for Reliance on Technology: Over-reliance on VR therapy could hinder the development of coping mechanisms that translate effectively to real-world situations.Addressing Specific Concerns:People considering VR therapy for public speaking anxiety might have specific concerns:Safety and Privacy: Reassure them that VR therapy is generally safe and uses ethical data practices.Effectiveness: Highlight research findings and success stories showcasing its effectiveness in reducing anxiety and improving public speaking skills.Naturalness of Virtual Environment: Acknowledge that while simulations are realistic, there will be differences from real-world situations. Emphasize the gradual exposure and coping strategies learned in therapy.Cost and Availability: Be transparent about potential costs and explore alternative options or therapist networks that might offer VR therapy.Technological Anxiety: Offer guidance on using the VR equipment and emphasize the therapist’s role in creating a comfortable and supportive environment.By addressing these limitations and concerns openly, you can build trust and encourage individuals to explore VR therapy as a potential tool for overcoming their public speaking anxiety.5 Credible External Sources for Your VR Therapy & Public Speaking Anxiety“Virtual Reality Therapy for Public Speaking Anxiety: A Systematic Review”: This article published in the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry by a team of researchers analyzes multiple studies on VR therapy for public speaking anxiety. It offers insights into the effectiveness, mechanisms of action, and future directions for this treatment approach. (“Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorders”: This webpage from the American Psychological Association (APA) provides an overview of VR exposure therapy for social anxiety, including public speaking anxiety. It explains the process, potential benefits, and research supporting its effectiveness. (“The Virtual Reality Exposure Lab: Public Speaking Anxiety Program”: This page from the University of Southern California Institute for Creative Technologies details their research program using VR therapy for public speaking anxiety. It provides information on the program’s development, participant experiences, and potential applications. (“Virtual Reality Public Speaking Therapy: Breaking Free From Speech Anxiety”: This article from Harvard Business Review explores the use of VR therapy for public speaking anxiety in business settings. It discusses the benefits for professionals, how VR creates realistic scenarios, and the potential impact on career development. (“The State of VR Therapy 2023: Public Speaking Anxiety & Beyond”: This recent report by Virtual Reality Healthcare Association (VRHA) provides a comprehensive overview of VR therapy’s current state, including a section dedicated to its application for public speaking anxiety. It offers valuable insights into industry trends, research findings, and future advancements. (“Virtual Reality Therapy: A Guide for Clinicians”: This book by Barbara Rothbaum and Lara Naugle offers a comprehensive guide for mental health professionals on using VR therapy, including specific protocols for treating public speaking anxiety. (